who me? - I just found it this way - honest - I didn't rip the roll of paper towels to shreds! doesn't it make a lovely nest though? and why would you leave a tempting roll of paper towels lying around anyway? you know - this was really your fault - you really can't blame anyone else...
I do believe I've got my innocent look perfected! she's not scolding me...do you think she bought my story?? I think I'll just try ignoring her now...
MOL! I loooooooooooove to shred the toilet paperz. Whenever some bean comes to visit they don't kno any betters and leave the bathroom door open. Den the paper is mine!!! muah ha ha. I never thought to get the paper towel, that my next victim ! Looks like you had fun =^_^=
nope you weren't too late! we gotted your post in for WCB!
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